Integrated Financial Planning

Integrated financial planning refers to a coordinated planning of the financial aspects of a company. It can encompass both overall planning (including income statement and liquidity planning) and solely the income statement. The aim is to use financial resources efficiently and make well-founded decisions.

It works by linking the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement to create a holistic set of figures. This forms the basis for quick business decisions. Due to the high planning costs, comprehensive integration is often only possible to a limited extent. Nevertheless, the coordination of the financial and income statements is essential for effective corporate management.

The advantages of integrated financial planning include a comprehensive examination of various financial areas and efficiency gains through the use of integrated software solutions. Furthermore, there is an improvement in decision quality, as potential scenarios can be played out to assess their financial consequences. Additionally, the utilization of financial resources is optimized, and risk assessments can be integrated into overall financial planning as part of risk management. Integrated financial planning also offers greater flexibility and adaptability, improved communication, and collaborative work between different departments and teams.

Where Excel reaches its limits in integrated financial planning, QVANTUM offers the software for automated controlling processes, secure cash flow and convincing reporting.

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