Full Time Equivalent (FTE) planning is a crucial aspect of human resource management, resource allocation, and particularly project management. It allows for the comparison of different work hour models within a company and facilitates strategic personnel decisions.
An FTE represents the work output of a full-time employee over a specific period and serves as a calculated measure of working time. HR departments use FTEs to convert the total working hours in the company, regardless of part-time or full-time models, into equivalent full-time positions. The advantage of FTE planning is therefore efficient resource planning, which can be used to prevent over- and under-utilization of employees. It is a valuable tool for the effective use of resources and the planning of work processes.
FTE planning is closely linked to personnel cost planning. With QVANTUM, HR managers can accurately and precisely manage all personnel costs. Our software platform provides real-time visibility into personnel costs—from the entire organization down to individual employees.