Workforce management

Workforce management refers to the strategic planning, organization and optimization of all aspects of personnel management in a company. The aim is to deploy the workforce efficiently in order to achieve the company’s objectives.

A central aspect of workflow management is personnel planning. It begins with the identification of current and future personnel requirements. This includes analyzing work tasks, qualifications and long-term company goals to ensure that the right personnel are available at the right time. The development of recruitment strategies is also important. This includes the design of job advertisements, selection processes and the implementation of recruitment strategies to attract qualified employees. Another part of WMF is the planning of employees’ working hours and deployment and the continuous monitoring of employee performance. Promoting the professional development of employees is another important aspect of workforce management. Training and development programs are developed to improve the skills and qualifications of the workforce. All of these measures aim to create a positive working environment that strengthens employee loyalty.

Through comprehensive workforce management, companies can ensure that they have the right employees with the right skills and qualifications. This enables companies to achieve their goals, increase productivity and improve employee satisfaction and retention.

Workforce planning is usually very confusing. Personnel cost planning in particular is usually a long and laborious process, yet it is essential for functional workforce planning. With QVANTUM, all steps can be easily planned and monitored. We offer the ideal solution for combining the planning of different departments on one platform.