Personnel costs

Personnel costs are a significant component of company expenditure and arise from the deployment of employees in the production process. They are made up of the following categories. Wages and salaries are direct payments to employees. Ancillary personnel costs are social security contributions, accident insurance contributions, collectively agreed benefits and continued remuneration payments. There are also other personnel costs, such as costs for further training, work clothing or company pension schemes.

Personnel costs make up a large proportion of a company’s total costs. They consist mainly of fixed costs that are incurred even if an employee is not working due to illness, vacation or similar.

Precise knowledge of personnel costs enables companies to better understand their financial situation and make strategic decisions. Our QVANTUM software platform is a great help in making these decisions. Here you always have an overview of all personnel costs - from the company as a whole to the individual employee and can easily plan costs, FTEs and jobs directly in the platform.

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