Business trends for 2023: Start the new year agile and organized

The new year has already begun and you don’t know yet which way your company should go in 2023? Then here are this year’s business trends for you!

Last year, the global economy not only had to face the task of dealing with the consequences of the pandemic, but at the same time had to cope with the effects of the energy crisis and global political disputes. No easy task. Successful corporate management became the supreme discipline. The constantly fluctuating situation on the market demanded that companies adapt - again and again.

The working world has changed in the process. The daily work routine of today is determined by agile strategies and action structures. New and improved approaches to smart business management and work design have set new standards. We now know that in addition to flexibility, automation of processes, their scalability and real-time data are becoming increasingly important. In the following, we would like to explain these individual topics in more detail and introduce you to the business trends for 2023 - So that you can start successfully this year on the full track!

Almost a given: Agility

Agility has already become increasingly important in recent years. Nowadays, it is part of daily business and can no longer be imagined without it. The former buzzword represents a cornerstone for the challenges in the market. In 2023, this principle will be taken to a new level. Approaches and concepts around agility will be further developed. In the future, agility will be closely linked to steering. After all, those who have the rudder in their hands ensure control and security in business. In stormy times like these, this is indispensable for companies. The keyword real-time data is also crucial here. Based on existing information, ideally data tracked in real time, acting collaboratively, orchestrated and smart, for example by allowing ad-hoc re-planning in response to changes. Smart, right?

Master of adaptation: scalability

Those who adapt to the dynamic economic climate of the next few years can take advantage of its thrusts rather than drowning in them. To do this, the company’s services must be scalable. What does that mean? You need to adapt to the growing demands of the market when the situation proves favorable. Thus, you should always be prepared to expand in terms of your products and services, as well as your resources. No matter how large and established your company is, required agility can only be implemented if the necessary scalability is a prerequisite.

The question should not be “Can we map this?” but “When is the moment right to invest?” Get priorities right: Software-as-a-Service solutions You’ve probably heard it before: if you want to become a planning expert, you have to learn to set priorities and pass on tasks that can be done faster and more efficiently elsewhere. On the IT side, the options are many. Saas solutions are not only generally economically effective, but they also immensely reduce the internal IT effort in your company in the future. Installation and operation are outsourced and you can devote yourself to tasks that require your expertise more urgently. In addition, user-friendly and intuitive Saas solutions allow independent customization without IT specialists or programming knowledge - conveniently on-site in your Controlling department. In this way, you model and scale planning entirely according to your needs and ideas and remain flexible at all times.

Smart instead of hard: Automation

If you set your priorities smartly, you can also use Saas solutions to automate recurring processes. In times of ever-tighter resources and increasing challenges in recruiting new staff, the trend towards automation continues to grow in the coming year. As there is now a wide range of tools for almost all areas of the company that can be used to standardize and automate manual workflows, it is expected that the level of automation in companies will rise sharply in 2023. However, particular attention will be paid to holistic planning solutions that automate as completely as possible. For the area of controlling, there is talk of cloud-based agile corporate planning tools that support the controller and his business line.

First things first: don’t bury your head in the sand

Take the following as a mantra with you on the road in 2023: “I turn crisis into opportunity”. Yes, sometimes the economy and the market are upside down, one crisis follows the next and this cannot be stopped or changed for now. Not to get discouraged now, but to be active, agile and planned in the market is what will distinguish you from your competitors. If you use phases of change to critically question processes, structures and tools and reorganize and invest anti-cyclically, you have the best chance of staying one step ahead of your competitors.

What you should take away for your business in 2023

In the coming year, the companies that will benefit are those that take agility to the next evolutionary level by taking further action. Dare to leave conventional planning solutions behind. Invest in agility, scalability and automation in the form of Saas solutions like QVANTUM and create optimal conditions for more growth and success in 2023.

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Ralf Schall

Ralf Schall

Success Manager

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